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First of all, it should be briefly explained why waxing skis and snowboards is important. In order to achieve a smooth, safe ride and a certain speed when skiing, the friction between the ski and the snow should be as low as possible. For this reason, the ski must be water-repellent. Wax helps with this and improves the gliding properties of the ski. This is the main reason why a ski or snowboard should be waxed.

The choice of wax depends primarily on the air temperature. The nature of the snow is also an important indicator. The surface of the skis or snowboard plays a minor role in the choice of wax. If the temperature is very cold, it is advisable to apply a wax for sub-zero temperatures. If the temperature is higher, however, a wax for positive temperatures is suitable. In general, however, there are many universal waxes that cover a large temperature range (both minus and plus degrees) and can be used without any problems. These temperature ranges are usually noted on the wax packaging.


What types of wax are there?

A distinction is made between two types of wax - hot wax and cold wax. The difference lies in the processing. Hot wax is applied at high temperatures by heating with an iron, whereas cold wax is applied without any aids. Both types of wax are available with and without fluorine. Fluorine waxes are more hydrophobic than comparable waxes - they therefore glide better.

Hot wax

This type of wax is mainly offered in block form in various sizes. The wax is now also available in many different colors on the market. However, these vary depending on the manufacturer, so you cannot rely on the colors of the wax as an indication of the different temperature ranges.

Equipment : To use hot wax you will need a holder to clamp the skis in, a wax iron (we do not recommend using a household iron), a scraper and various brushes.

The advantage is that it is stable. When the wax is heated, it penetrates deep into the surface and lasts for 2–3 days.
The disadvantage : expensive, as a lot of equipment is needed. It also takes a lot of time.



Cold wax

Here, the selection of different variations is larger. There is block wax, cream wax and liquid wax. Cold waxes are also available with or without fluorine content. Cold waxes are very easy to apply and are highly recommended, especially for a quick freshen-up while on holiday.

Equipment : All cold waxes can be applied without any tools or just with a cloth.
The advantage is flexibility, as you can wax your skis and boards at any time, in any place and without any previous knowledge or equipment. It takes very little time.
The disadvantage is the stability. Due to the lack of heating of the ski wax, its durability is limited to a maximum of one day.



Liquid wax 

Belongs to the category of cold waxes. Here, the wax is liquefied using a solvent, which evaporates again after being applied to the ski base. The bottles have an integrated sponge head with which the wax is applied.

Cream wax

Also belongs to the cold wax category. It contains much less solvent. It is really easy to use. Simply apply and rub off with a cloth (or a paper tissue) - just like cleaning shoes. Our secret favorite!